For the love of miniatures.
I have been dabbling in miniatures most of my adult life, just not necessarily "scale" miniatures.
I had a ceramic shop and cut out greenware and put scenes in various pieces for years. Like those ceramic trees, cut out part of one side and put a Christmas scene with a fireplace, a tree, a chair, a table with a plate of goodies on it, and of course lots of presents under the tree.
Table lamp pieces had living room scenes in them and pumpkins, well they were easy to add a scene to.
We, my husband, and I did craft and doll shows where I learned just what miniatures were and I was hooked.
In 2000 I found a couple of Yahoo groups and learned so much more and started offering kits.
Bought out a couple of small miniature businesses and offered more and more miniature items.
In 2010 I bought a laser and have not stopped designing, cutting, and selling kits since then.
And that my friends is how it all came about.
I had a ceramic shop and cut out greenware and put scenes in various pieces for years. Like those ceramic trees, cut out part of one side and put a Christmas scene with a fireplace, a tree, a chair, a table with a plate of goodies on it, and of course lots of presents under the tree.
Table lamp pieces had living room scenes in them and pumpkins, well they were easy to add a scene to.
We, my husband, and I did craft and doll shows where I learned just what miniatures were and I was hooked.
In 2000 I found a couple of Yahoo groups and learned so much more and started offering kits.
Bought out a couple of small miniature businesses and offered more and more miniature items.
In 2010 I bought a laser and have not stopped designing, cutting, and selling kits since then.
And that my friends is how it all came about.